We are 5 wellness industry executives with expertise across key disciplines. We have worked with iconic brands and built notable businesses. Our goal is to lift you up and help you win.

We invest and advise companies and can support you behind the scenes or roll up our sleeves and be right there beside you.

  • Matthew Januszek

    Equipment & Distribution

  • Mohammed Iqbal

    Technology & Innovation

  • Debra Strougo

    Sales, Marketing, & Brand

  • Rob Pietroforte

    M&A, Strategy, & Capital Raising

  • Brian Anderson

    Growth & Profitability

Our Core Competencies

We are NOT career consultants. We are a group of 5 executives with expertise across a wide array of functions, disciplines and backgrounds. 

We have founded companies. We have run companies. We have grown, built, and sold companies. We know this industry. We know what it takes to fund, build, grow and exit successfully. We have done it - numerous times and with impressive results.

We actively serve as CEOs, advisors, board members, investors and bankers for numerous companies, and have been doing those things for decades. Whatever your company’s issue, hurdle, weakness, or opportunity, we have been there. We have sat in your chair. We have made mistakes. And we have triumphed and won. We love to create magic. We can help you win. 

  • “Every one of Levitate Group’s partners are industry mavens with incredible track records. Collectively, they are unstoppable."

    -Eric P.

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